
最近家裡有人網路之後,把該下的動畫下一下反而現在閒得很=口= 音樂的話最近也只有下這張Coldplay的新專輯"Viva La Vida",感覺很有法國fu,有些歌詞應該也是法文吧=w=


Cemeteries of London                             倫敦之墓
At night they would go walking‘till the     在夜晚,他們會持續走著,直到 
breaking of the day,                              拂曉。

The morning is for sleeping…                   留下早晨的時間給睡眠吧

Through the dark streets they go             他們在黑暗的街道中找尋,
searching to see God in their own way,     以他們自己的角度來審視神,

Save the nighttime for your weeping…      將夜晚留給你的悲嘆,
Your weeping…                                     你的悲嘆...
Singing la lalalalala la le…                        啦啦啦的唱著,
And the night over London lay                 夜晚,覆蓋了整個倫敦。
So we rode down to the river where the    所以我們騎到了那個鬼魂被
toiling ghosts spring,                              被困住的河岸,

For their curses to be broken…                為了他們等待著被打破的詛咒

We’d go underneath the arches where    我們從那個有著巫婆出現傳說
the witches are in the saying,                 的拱門之下穿過,

There are ghost towns in the ocean…       海洋中有鬼魂居住的城市,
The ocean…                                         就是,那個海洋...
Singing la lalalalala la le…                        啦啦啦的唱著,
And the night over London lay…               夜晚,覆蓋了整個倫敦。

God is in the houses and God is in my        神在房屋中、在我的腦中...
head… and all the cemeteries in London     也在倫敦所有的墓地中,

I see God come in my garden, but I           我看見神來到我的花園,
don’t know what he said,                       但我不知道他說了些什麼,

For my heart it wasn’t open…                 因為我的心,尚未敞開...
Not open…                                            沒有開放...
Singing la lalalalala la le…                         啦啦啦的唱著,
And the night over London lay…                夜晚,覆蓋了整個倫敦
Singing la lalalalala la le…                         啦啦啦的唱著,
There’s no light over London today…        今天的倫敦,沒有希望之光...



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